Industrial Drafting (French)

Develop skills to create and interpret industrial drawings, solve related problems, and understand mechanical manufacturing. Learn to use software for detailed and 3D drawings, and collaborate effectively in teams.

Develop the skills needed to determine the information to be entered on drawings, i.e.: solve problems applied to industrial drawing, take measurements and interpret them, and determine tolerances; develop the skills essential to understanding mechanical manufacturing, such as: interpreting technical information concerning materials and manufacturing processes, representing connecting parts, transmission parts, and the arrangement and movement of parts of a mechanism; develop the skills needed to interpret, produce, and correct drawings in order to produce sketches, use the appropriate software and a computerized workstation, produce detailed drawings of parts, mechanical systems, a mechanism, a machine frame, assembly drawings, development drawings, and diagrams of industrial piping and circuits, model an object in three dimensions, and design a simple technical object; develop the skills needed for active collaboration within multidisciplinary teams and the skills needed for harmonious integration into the school and workplace environments.

SectorMechanical manufacturing
Total duration1,800 hours
Approximate duration in months17 months
Number of units120
StatusProgram approved in 1999.

Admission (Domestic students ONLY)

Persons holding a CSQ or living in Quebec during the last 3 consecutive years or living in Quebec for 12 consecutive months without full-time studies
Permanent Residence or Canadian Citizen

Benefits for Local Students

Bursary up to $1500 per month
OPUS card reduced fare
Eyeglasses & Contact Lenses Subsidies

Admission Requirements For International Students

International students ONLY
High school diploma & transcript
Passport & Birth Certificate
French B1 or the equivalence
This program is provided by French Public School Board

Benefits For International Students

3 year PGWP (Post Graduate Work Permit) guaranteed

Course content

CodeStatement of CompetencyHoursCredits
372-035Interpreting technical drawings755
372-054   Carry out the recording and interpretation of measurements604
372-153Adapting to the specific features of new work organizations453
372-311Position yourself in relation to the profession and the training process151
372-324Solving problems applied to industrial design604
372-335Produce sketches755
372-345Operating a computer workstation755
372-356Produce detailed drawings of mechanical parts906
372-364Representing liaison bodies604
372-373Represent the arrangement and movement of the parts of a mechanism453
372-386Interpret technical information regarding materials and manufacturing processes906
372-395Produce general drawings755
372-407     Exploiting the specialized functions of computer-aided design software1057
372-414Determine dimensional tolerances604
372-421Correcting drawings151
372-436Represent transmission organs906
372-446Produce development drawings906
372-456Modeling a three-dimensional object906
372-466Produce detailed drawings of a mechanism906
372-476Diagram industrial pipelines and circuits906
372-482Use means to find or create your job302
372-495Produce drawings of a mechanical system755
372-507Drawing the frame of a machine1057
372-517Design a simple technical object1057
372-526Integrating into the job market906

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