Automobile mechanic (French)

Perform preventive and corrective mechanical work, inspect vehicles, diagnose issues, perform repairs, replace and adjust systems, conduct operational tests, install accessories, and follow health, safety, and environmental regulations.

Perform preventive and corrective mechanical work, inspect vehicles to identify operating problems, investigate their cause and locate their source; perform repairs, replacements and adjustments on various vehicle systems, perform operational tests, install accessories and optional equipment and apply laws and regulations relating to health, safety and environmental protection.

SectorMotorized equipment maintenance
Total duration1,800 hours
Approximate duration in months19 months
Number of units120
StatusProgram approved in 2005.

Admission (Domestic students ONLY)

Persons holding a CSQ or living in Quebec during the last 3 consecutive years or living in Quebec for 12 consecutive months without full-time studies
Permanent Residence or Canadian Citizen

Benefits for Local Students

Bursary up to $1500 per month
OPUS card reduced fare
Eyeglasses & Contact Lenses Subsidies

Admission Requirements For International Students

International students ONLY
High school diploma & transcript
Passport & Birth Certificate
IELTS 5.5 or the equivalence

Benefits For International Students

3 year PGWP (Post Graduate Work Permit)

Course content

CodeStatement of CompetencyHoursCredits
843-401Determine their suitability for the trade and the training process151
843-412Avoid health, safety and environmental 302
843-423Find technical information about motor vehicles453
843-433Perform heating, welding and cutting operations453

Do shop work

843-452Establish interpersonal relationships at work302
843-465Inspect internal combustion engines755
843-476Repair internal combustion engines906
843-484Inspect road-holding systems604
843-496Repair road-holding systems906
843-506Inspect electrical and electronic systems906
843-514Repair lighting systems604
843-524Inspect basic computer-controlled systems604
843-536Inspect transmission systems906
843-547Repair transmission systems1057
843-555Inspect starting and charging systems and electromagnetic accessories755
843-565Repair starting and charging systems and electromagnetic accessories755
843-573Inspect engine and passenger compartment temperature control systems453
843-583Maintain and repair engine and passenger compartment temperature control systems453
843-593Inspect active and passive safety systems453
843-604Repair active and passive safety systems604
843-614Do general maintenance on a motor vehicle604
843-624Inspect electronic ignition systems604
843-634Repair electronic ignition systems604
843-644Inspect electronic injection and antipollution systems604
843-655Maintain and repair electronic injection and antipollution systems755
843-665Inspect the drive train755
843-671Carry out a job search151
843-686    Enter the work force906

The locations

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